domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

I cried for You

I remember other days, how I used to weep
Over things you said to me, I couldn't even sleep
You forgot your promises ev'ry single vow
All you did was laugh at me but things are diff'rent now

I cried for you
Now it's your turn to cry over me
Ev'ry road has a turning
That's one thing you're learning

I cried for you
What a fool I used to be
Now I found two eyes just a little bit bluer
I found a heart just a little bit truer

I cried for you
Now it's your turn to cry over me

How can I forget the hours that I worried through
Wondering the live-long day just what next thing to do
In those days you never thought anything of me
But the slave that was all yours and now at last is free

I cried for you
Now it's your turn to cry over me
Ev'ry road has a turning
That's one thing you're learning

I cried for you
What a fool I used to be
Now I found two eyes just a little bit bluer
I found a heart just a little bit truer

I cried for you
Now it's your turn to cry over me

sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009

you are welcome to elsinore

Entre nós e as palavras há metal fundente
entre nós e as palavras há hélices que andam
e podem dar-nos morte violar-nos tirar
do mais fundo de nós o mais útil segredo
entre nós e as palavras há perfis ardentes
espaços cheios de gente de costas
altas flores venenosas portas por abrir
e escadas e ponteiros e crianças sentadas
à espera do seu tempo e do seu precipício

Ao longo da muralha que habitamos
há palavras de vida há palavras de morte
há palavras imensas, que esperam por nós
e outras, frágeis, que deixaram de esperar
há palavras acesas como barcos
e há palavras homens, palavras que guardam
o seu segredo e a sua posição

Entre nós e as palavras, surdamente,
as mãos e as paredes de Elsenor
E há palavras nocturnas palavras gemidos
palavras que nos sobem ilegíveis à boca
palavras diamantes palavras nunca escritas
palavras impossíveis de escrever
por não termos connosco cordas de violinos
nem todo o sangue do mundo nem todo o amplexo do ar
e os braços dos amantes escrevem muito alto
muito além do azul onde oxidados morrem
palavras maternais só sombra só soluço
só espasmo só amor só solidão desfeita

Entre nós e as palavras, os emparedados
e entre nós e as palavras, o nosso dever falar

Mário Cesariny

domingo, 21 de junho de 2009

"I live in the space between chaos and shape. I walk the line that continually threatens to lose its tautness under me, dropping me into the dark pit where there is no meaning. At other times the line is so wired that it lights up the soles of my feet, gradually my whole body, until I am my own beacon, and I see then the beauty of newly created worlds, a form that is not random. A new beginning."

Jeanette Winterson

"O problema da sobrevivência das obras literárias e dos elementos permanentes da literatura é, afinal, um problema muito simples. Toda a vida é adaptação ao ambiente, e toda a morte inadaptação ao mesmo."

Fernando Pessoa

in "Heróstrato"

quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009


A vida ou é paixão ou não interessa,
tudo o mais é somente imitação
e, por mais que dês voltas à cabeça,
não acharás outra razão
que dê sentido a esta caminhada
de aparente rumo ao nada.

Apenas a paixão sabe explicar
o que não tem qualquer explicação:
esta urgência de se dar
sem supor compensação.

Torquato da Luz

segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009

True Reflections

René Magritte

When you look into a mirror
Do you like what's looking at you?
Now that you've seen your true reflections
What on earth are you gonna do?

Find some inspiration
It's down deep inside you
Amend your situation, yeah
Your whole life is ahead of you
Your whole life is ahead of you

Remember the time you hung out with the boys, now
Remember the things you used to say
I thought by now you'd be the president
But after all that was yesterday
But you've had time to go out in the world now
But you chose to run away
Well, people ask you what you're doing now
You don't even know what to say

Find some inspiration
It's down deep inside you
Amend your situation, yeah
Your whole life is ahead of you
Your whole life is ahead of you

Find some inspiration (yeah)
It's down deep inside you
Amend your situation, yeah
Your whole life is ahead of you
Your whole life is ahead of you

You think your life is like a movie
Where it all works out in the end
I think your life is like a desert
Where does it go, where does it begin?
When you look into a mirror
(When you look into a mirror)
Do you like what's looking at you?
(Do you like it?)
Now that you've seen your true reflection
What on earth are you gonna do?

Find some inspiration
It's down deep inside you
Amend your situation, yeah
Your whole life is ahead of you
Your whole life is ahead of you

Find some inspiration (yeah)
It's down deep inside you
Amend your situation, yeah
Your whole life is ahead of you
Your whole life is ahead of you

Find some inspiration
It's down deep inside you

Dave Matthews Band

sábado, 13 de junho de 2009

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."

Khalil Gibran

quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2009

Que Importa?...

Eu era a desdenhosa, a indiferente.
Nunca sentira em mim o coração
Bater em violências de paixão,
Como bate no peito à outra gente.

Agora, olhas-me tu altivamente,
Sem sombra de desejo ou de emoção,
Enquanto as asas loiras da ilusão
Abrem dentro de mim ao sol nascente.

Minh'alma, a pedra, transformou-se em fonte;
Como nascida em carinhoso monte,
Toda ela é riso, e é frescura e graça!

Nela refresca a boca um só instante...
Que importa?... se o cansado viandante
Bebe em todas as fontes... quando passas?...

Florbela Espanca

segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009

Elderly Woman Behind The Counter in a Small Town

I seem to recognize your face
Haunting, familiar, yet I cant seem to place it
Cannot find the candle of thought to light your name
Lifetimes are catching up with me
All these changes taking place,
I wish Id seen the place
But no ones ever taken me
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away...

I swear I recognize your breath
Memories like fingerprints are slowly raising
Me you wouldnt recall, for
Im not my former
Its hard when youre stuck upon the shelf
I changed by not changing at all, small town predicts my fate
Perhaps thats what no one wants to see
I just want to scream...hello...
My God its been so long, never dreamed youd return
But now here you are, and here I am
Hearts and thoughts they fade...away...

Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away...
Hearts and thoughts they fade...away...
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away...
Hearts and thoughts they fade...
Pearl Jam

quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2009

I think I’ve always been half out of my shell and half in. Sometimes I can be extremely wild and sometimes I can be extremely shy. It just depends on the day.

Emile Hirsch

terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2009

Via Atri nº25 2º Piano Int. 12

"a vida é uma coisa precária
recomenda-se a máxima atenção
no momento exacto único fugaz
entre o nascer e a morte"
